Two weeklong workshops will be offered at the Marianist Center in Eureka, Missouri near St. Louis.
The Servant Leader Formation Workshop provides an opportunity for persons involved in service to Contemplative Outreach Chapters to explore in-depth issues such as the Spirituality of Service, Organic Growth of Chapters, Program Planning, Volunteerism, Team Building and Collaborative Leadership. Presenters: Susan Komis, Susan Rush, Marie Howard.
The Basic Skills Facilitator Formation Workshop offers topics that relate to forming and hosting of Centering Prayer groups and building on existing skills of the facilitator. Experienced facilitators are prepared to form others who wish to serve as facilitators in their respective Chapters. Presenters: Nestor De Armas, Stephanie Haskins.
Cost: $650.00; all rooms are Single Occupancy with Private Bath. Please register by July 15.
Further Information
For more information visit or contact Susan Komis at