Welcome to our listing of upcoming regional events sponsored by Contemplative Outreach Chicago and other Contemplative Outreach chapters. Please click on the Registration link to register.
The summit will be hosted by Pastor Tia Norman, friend of Contemplative Outreach and Centering Prayer Facilitator. Acclaimed author Cole Arthur Reilly will be the keynote speaker.
Eight additional speakers include Colleen Thomas, Diversity Director for Contemplative Outreach, and our good friend Chicago-based musician and theologian Julian Davis Reid.
In contemplative community, diversity is essential. By providing a platform for Black contemplative speakers and teachers, this first of its kind summit will center Black voices offering the wider contemplative community language and tools that may help in our efforts to include, invite and diversify the conversation on spiritual growth, transformation and practice.
More information and registration
Discounted early bird registration is available through December 15th.
The Black Contemplative Prayer Summit is co-sponsored by Awakenings and Contemplative Outreach Chicago.