This issue includes
- An invitation to register for The Way of the Mystic: St. Teresa’s Life and Teaching, a Zoom workshop with Juliana Cesano, which will take place on Saturday March 25
- Details about – and your first chance to register for – Ubuntu and Contemplation, coming on May 13 with Michael Battle
- A save-the-date notice for our six-day summer Intensive/Post-Intensive at the Siena Retreat Center, scheduled for July 23-29
- A listing of nine more offerings of potential interest to you, from multiple Contemplative Outreach chapters and other groups
- A lovely reflection, In the Garden, from our frequent contributor Johanna Ash
- Information about available Centering Prayer groups, in-person and online
- Insights from Teresa of Avila, Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, and John of the Cross