Finding sacred space for spiritual refreshment can be a challenge in the midst of our busy lives. Meeting seven times August – October, this small group offering will provide an opportunity to quiet your mind, body, and soul as you engage in a variety of simple, yet profound contemplative prayer forms, which will include experiences with: Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, Guided Biblical Imagery, Praying with Icons, and Presence through Sound and Silence.
An introductory session will be held on Saturday August 26, 9:00am – 1:00pm, at the Tau Center in Wheaton, followed by six two-hour Wednesday evening sessions in September and October at the same location. Take the time to be present for God and the connection that your soul may be longing for in the midst of a listening and prayerful community. For further information, please contact Becky Serpe at 847-533-1285 or