Our February issue includes:
- The initial announcement of The Way of the Mystic: St. Teresa’s Life and
Teaching, a Zoom workshop with Juliana Cesano, which will take place
on Saturday March 25 - A reminder that this Saturday, Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and
Washington is offering the online workshop, Conversations with Howard
Thurman - Information about an Introductory Centering Prayer Workshop via Zoom
February 27-28 - A link to the newly available YouTube video of the recent workshop Howard
Thurman: An Active Contemplative, with Lerita Coleman Brown - An announcement of the first-ever online Living Flame program being
offered by Contemplative Outreach Ltd. - Information about an in-person 12-step Centering Prayer retreat this May in
Racine - A save-the-date notice for our six-day summer Intensive/Post-Intensive
Retreat scheduled for July 23-29 - An invitation to a Lenten morning of meditation on Saturday February 25
from the Christian Meditation groups at St. John of the Cross, Western
Springs - A beautiful, very meaningful pre-Lenten reflection and poem by Linda
Jackim - Information about available Centering Prayer groups, in-person and online
- Insights from Howard Thurman, Oscar Hammerstein II, Ian Marcus Corbin,
and Gerard Manley Hopkins
[Download pdf to read more . . .]