To be honest, this is a pretty hefty issue. We’ve tried to make it easy to find what you’re
looking for, so go ahead and start scrolling! Here’s a what you’ll find:
- A reminder to register right away if you want to be part part of the workshop
on BioSpiritual Focusing – it’s this Saturday and there are only a few spaces left - A lovely reflection on meaning, love and connection by Alan Krema
- Information on what looks to be a very worthwhile Lenten course on Desmond
Tutu’s spirituality, created by our friend Michael Battle and a South African team - Invitations to other upcoming events: an in-person silent retreat in Benet Lake,
Wisconsin and an online retreat with Susan Komis focused on Teresa of Avila - Book Notes from Sandra Janowski: her impressions of How To Be, by Judith Valente and Brother Paul Quenon
- Some thoughts from Jack Lloyd on the potential impact of Michael Battle’s January
workshop, Releasing an Enslaved Spirit - Information about available Centering Prayer groups, in-person and online
- Insights from Teresa of Avila, Alan Krema, Michael Battle, and Albert Camus