On Saturday, January 21, please join us for this initial workshop in Contemplative Outreach – Chicago’s Living Wisdom series.
What is it that we are offering to the universe through our prayer (and our developing active life in the world)? What if, besides just an expression of our own personal devotion, we had a deepened sense of where we are in the evolution of things and the purpose that Centering Prayer might be having in this “threshold moment” in which we are living? Might that not redouble our commitment to our Centering Prayer practice and deepen our understanding of how and why it is so critically important now?
We certainly seem to be at a tipping point in the unfolding of consciousness on our planet. Tradition says that, over the course of human history, the underground stream of Wisdom has come to the surface to assist humanity when the world is undergoing monumental changes or unusual challenges. Both seem to be true right now.
The Wisdom tradition has an essential contribution to make to our time. But access to Wisdom is unlike other bodies of knowledge; it is state-dependent. That is—rather than a body of information, theory, or doctrine—it is more a way of knowing. So, it must be practiced in order to be apprehended and understood.
In our day together we will have the opportunity to sample some of these Wisdom practices and better understand the methodology of Wisdom Schools. And then, setting all of this into a larger perspective, we will explore how and why both Centering Prayer and Wisdom practices can assist our human growth in the direction of integral wholeness. But more than just for us and for our own growth, it will be argued that this Wisdom work is for the benefit of greater humanity and perhaps the entire universe.
Rev. William Redfield is an ordained Episcopal priest and a licensed clinical social worker. Ordained in 1976, he spent the first half of his professional career as a group, family, and individual therapist in Maine. He has known Cynthia Bourgeault for over 25 years and has trained with her extensively in the Wisdom tradition, a lineage of spiritual transformation. Later Bill served Trinity Episcopal Church in Fayetteville for nearly twenty years. During this time he brought his passion for new forms of “Wisdom” spirituality and established “Wisdom House” as an outreach spiritual ministry for the greater community. Having retired from parish work nearly three years ago, Bill is now engaged in full time Wisdom work, mainly in the Northeast.
Register directly below for this workshop, The Wisdom Way on Knowing, at a cost of $50. If you prefer to register for the full program of four Living Wisdom workshops, at a total cost of $175, please click here.
Questions? Please contact Alan Krema: alkrema@gmail.com, 630-369-6624
Bookings are closed for this event.