A one-day Introductory Enneagram Workshop will be offered on Saturday November 5 at the beautiful Healing Gardens in St. Charles.
Many people find that the Enneagram is a powerful tool for personal insight and collective transformation. Acting as a “mirror of the soul,” the Enneagram presents nine ways of experiencing ourselves, others and the Divine. Each of the nine Enneagram “types” has a different pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.
“Through the exploration of the Enneagram we discover who we believe we are, what is underneath those beliefs, and what moves us toward or away from Divine Essence,” says JoAnne McElroy, who will facilitate the workshop. “By identifying our primary type, we are able to appreciate our unique gifts while moving to overcome our inner barriers.”
For further information or to register, contact Deb Marqui at 630-377-1846 or visit the Healing Gardens website. Attendance at this workshop is limited to 12 participants, so please act quickly if you are interested in learning about the Enneagram.